Beware of AI Worms. Personal data may be stolen?


Crime in the online world seems to be increasingly sophisticated.

How does this worm work?

  Be careful because this AI worm can steal your personal data.

The presence of worms is known to have infected computer users since the 1970s. Back then, worms (also known as computer worms) constantly targeted computer networks, only to fill them with junk traffic.

According to information from Tom'sHardware, researchers have discovered a new worm that uses artificial intelligence called Morris II. This AI worm is different from the previous one because it not only causes problems on the victim's computer network, but also steals data.

That's not the only danger from the AI worm known as Morris II. This artificial intelligence worm replicates itself and targets other victims through sent emails, wreaking havoc similar to the 1988 Morris worm.

Researchers say this worm attack technique works by using prompts or commands that can be repeated, and uses artificial intelligence to spread malicious content through text embedded in images, which I explained can be compared to the break method. Any extension.

  Are worms getting smarter?

In addition to having general worm functionality, the Morris II AI worm is said to target applications that use generative AI, such as AI-enabled email. Examples include Gemini Pro, ChatGPT 4.0, and LLaVA.

So, when a user types a text command, the Morris II worm redirects it to a GPT-4 or Gemini Pro-based system to process the text again. Therefore, updated content breaks AI-based services and steals data.

That's not the only fear of these worms. The worm then copies itself and spreads it to all of the victim's contacts. Once infected, the worm steals all of the victim's personal data, including credit card details and social security numbers.

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